Top Five Self-Care Techniques
Self-care is more than bubble baths and ice-cream.
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes those things can be part of a self-care routine. But often, the media and society tell us that’s the only way to do self-care — what they don’t tell us is that self-care is truly “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.”
Based on the definition of what self-care really means, we can clearly see that actions we need to take to support our wellbeing aren’t always the easiest and most enjoyable choices. I mean, who wants to eat their veggies and go to bed early every single night of the week? Self-care is simple but it’s not easy, and on top of that, it looks different for everyone.
Although self-care looks different for everyone, here are the top five universal things I believe everyone could benefit from.
Five self-care techniques that everyone can benefit from:
1. Mindfulness
Mindfulness is about being fully present and aware without being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. It’s the ability to pay attention moment to moment, without judgement. Much like self-care, mindfulness is simple but not always easy. It takes practice. Mindfulness is important because it's an all encompassing reminder to be kind, loving, gentle and forgiving toward ourselves no matter what we are faced with in life.
2. Rest
Rest is not a reward. It is not something you need to earn – it’s something you already deserve, regardless of what you’ve accomplished. We are human beings – not human doings. When you rest your physical body, your mind will follow suit. This allows your nervous system to relax and recharge.
3. Exercise or Movement
Whether you like to dance, workout, run, do yoga or walk, science has proven that exercise and movement have powerful effects on every aspect of our health wellbeing. This is certainly a must-have in your emergency self-care kit. When you notice that you’re feeling irritated, anxious or dysregulated, try skipping, taking a walk or doing any other movement that’s accessible in the moment.
4. Positive Self-Talk
When you notice yourself speaking negatively, firstly give yourself a pat on the back for even noticing – becoming aware of it is the first step. When you notice it, pause and replace your negative thoughts and statements with positive ones. For example, rather than beating yourself up about sleeping in on a Sunday when you have so much to do, pause and remind yourself how essential sleep is to your wellbeing, and then gently remind yourself you have plenty of time to accomplish everything you’re meant to accomplish that day.
The science of neuroplasticity explains how the brain has the ability to adapt and change. When we work on our positive self-talk, we are stimulating and encouraging positive neural networks in our brains, which can drastically improve our wellbeing and even feelings toward ourselves over time.
5. Singing or Humming
The vagus nerve is the queen of the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest state). The vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve that extends from the brainstem through our bodies and communicates with all of our internal organs. When we sing or hum we create this deep vibration that we can feel in the body, especially in the belly and chest. When we stimulate the vagus nerve by singing or humming it communicates to our nervous system that it’s time to relax and calm down.
I hope you’re able to explore some of these techniques and add them to your routine!